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Verify your business.

You can test the platform without verification, but your account will be limited! Before you start verification please create account on marketplace.

Below you can find our verification form for Keybin marketplace access. When verification is complete we will unlock your account so you can start adding and buying keys. All fields are required!


If you have any questions please get in touch via our email [email protected]. If it makes it easier, you can send all of your info and documents directly to our email [email protected]. When applying you agree to our terms, privacy as well as allowing us to store all of your sent information, including documents, in our company books. Additionally, you need to notify us of any changes made to your company information in the future via email at [email protected]!

Below you can find our verification form for Keybin marketplace access. When verification is complete we will unlock your account so you can start adding and buying keys. All fields are required!


If you have any questions please get in touch via our email [email protected]. If it makes it easier, you can send all of your info and documents directly to our email [email protected]. When applying you agree to our terms, privacy as well as allowing us to store all of your sent information, including documents, in our company books. Additionally, you need to notify us of any changes made to your company information in the future via email at [email protected]!

    Your company turnover per quarter
    up to 50 000 per quarter50 000 - 100 000 per quarter100 000 - 500 000 per quarter1 000 000 + per quarter

    When you press Send it can take up to a few minutes (depending on the file size of documents) for the action to process! When done you will get a confirmation message.