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Frequently Asked Questions

Not sure how exactly Keybin works? No worries, we got your covered! Below you can find the most frequent questions, simple explanations, and instructions on what Keybind is and how to use it. Our FAQ section is regularly updated!

What is Keybin and how it works?

Keybin is a digital distribution platform where publishers, wholesale retailers, and developers can sell or buy various digital products. When you register, you can both buy or sell products.

Sellers are usually distributors, developers, and publishers who offer videogame codes, gift cards, game points, additional software, etc. Most of the time, they are selling digital codes that can be redeemed on different platforms like Stream, Epic Games, Origin, Uplay, Amazon, eBay, Spotify, etc.

Buyers usually consist of wholesalers, e-commerce stores, b2b, and b2c business companies. Keybin does not sell to end customers as our policy is strictly focused on b2b transactions!

We are offering API connection to our platform for sellers and buyers. To apply for API access please get in touch with us. Keybin sellers can easily update stock and price through API or by uploading price lists in .CSV or normal Excel (.XLSX) format.

Why is Keybin perfect for Sellers and Buyers?

Keybin platform offers high-end encryption security for text and image keys, so you do not have to worry about anything getting stolen. We developed something similar to a cold wallet, where we store your keys and data to protect it if a breach would happen! We are a transparent EU-based company with high-quality code, great security, and a good reputation.

Our platform operates with low fees, protects your funds, and offers an easy and simple to use stock management system that is available to all buyers.

Before accessing the platform, both buyers and sellers must pass a background check and get verified. This way, we can ensure all our user’s quality reduce any risk of a breach, and increase security on the platform. Our top priority is to provide a simple and risk-free buying and selling experience to all our users!

How do payments work?

All transactions go through the Keybin platform. Connecting with Keybin merchants outside the platform to make transactions is forbidden and can lead to a ban from the platform. When you sell a product you will have a balance on Keybin that can be used to buy products or you can simply withdraw the balance from the platform. If you don’t have enough balance on Keybin and you would like to buy products you have to top-up your wallet. To top-up wallet please navigate to the tab My wallet on Keybin platform.

How does invoicing work?

Keybin users are all verified with a background check on their business.

Sellers will get automatically generated reports for the last month’s sales (all orders are merged into one report). Based on the reports sellers have to upload their invoices to our platform. We return your fee invoice so you can see a clear and transparent picture. All invoices can be downloaded at any given time on our platform (tip: if you have already downloaded the invoice you will see a green check icon).

Buyers will get their invoice delivered info platform where they can download it. Invoices for buyers are generated by our company and do not depend on the seller.

Click here to see a sample invoice if you are a buyer and here to see a sample fee invoice if you are a seller.

Can i use Keybin as my stock managment tool?

Yes, you can! When creating Keybin one of our goals was also to create a stock management tool that our merchants can use. It is very easy to upload or download images or text keys.

Some features that will help you fully manage your stock:
– easy to add new products and keys
– support image and text keys
– export keys
– statuses for keys (active, disabled, pending, preorder, sold, downloaded)
– if you export keys we automatically change the status to downloaded so it no longer can be purchased on Keybin.
– price management (enter your purchase price, only you can see this)
– notify you if you are selling under the purchase price
– fast and responsive platform
– keys are encrypted and held on a secure server
– it’s free and if you want you can sell to other merchants on Keybin
– if you have a lot of products and keys we can import that for you
– update your stock and price via Excel price lists (.CSV or XLSX)
– API connection to the platform and out of the platform (for more info please send us an email)

What means "Instant delivery"?

Products with Instant delivery are in stock on our platform or are in stock with our merchants that are connected to Keybin via API. Approximately 98% of Instant delivery stocked products are delivered within 5 minutes after the order is created but keep in mind that sometimes it can take up to 3 hours for keys to get delivered. If you don’t get keys after 3 hours please get in touch with us via email or Skype.

How feature "Can deliver" works?

The “Can deliver” feature comes in very handy when you are having your digital products in different places. We recommend you to use Keybin as your stock management tool as described above. When the option “Can deliver” is active you don’t have to upload keys to submit your offer.

You can update stock and price via the Stock tab in the Keybin platform. All stock from the uploaded price lists will be added as “Can deliver” and buyers will get in touch with you via our Livechat to negotiate a deal or ask you to upload keys so they can make a purchase.


The preorder system is simple to use for sellers and buyers.

When you are creating offers (seller) you just enable preorders and enter stock availability on the release date. Keep in mind that on preorder you have to upload keys before or on the day of the release. If you upload extra keys we convert them to livestock on the platform.

Preorders have special status “Preorders” so it’s easier for you to found them. On the listing keep an eye for the “Watch icon” that represents products that can be preordered.

Preorders are paid upfront and sellers receive money after they upload keys and the “on-hold” period is over.

Merchant livechat and offers

Live chat will help you to connect to other merchants inside the platform. To start a new chat with the merchant click on the chat icon on the specific product offer from that merchant. The new chat with the merchant is generated under your chat tab.

With a click on the button “Create new offer” in a live chat, sellers can create offers and buyers can accept offers from sellers in chat. Created offers are seen only for the two merchants in the current chat. If you made a mistake you can always cancel your offer and create a new one.

Some merchants may not have the live chat icon available. The reason for that is that they do not offer custom offers, their response is not fast enough for our platform standards, they do not offer better conditions if contacted or simply they don’t want this option to be available.

Abusing our platform chat to connect with merchants outside Keybin will result in an instant block/suspension from the platform. We adopted very low fees that come with awesome perks to protect you from bad products, scammers, easy connection to new merchants, stock management, fast payouts, and much more. In some cases (if we suspect you are abusing our platform), we could access and read your chat history. To make a friendly environment we have blacklisted some words.

Update stock and price via API or Excel price list

You can add your offers or update current offers by uploading an Excel price list file or via API. When uploading price list files we accept .CSV or Excel .XLSX format.

On the first upload, you will have to match your products ID with the products ID on our site. The process is quick and simple. For merchants, with big lists (over 500 products) we can help you out, please contact us via Skype or email. We also have API support to add and update products.

When products are matched you simply upload the price list and our system will update product stock and price. We recommend uploading the price list daily, best in the morning hours, it won’t take more than a minute.

TOP-UP and Withdrawal methods and fees

You can top-up your wallet or withdraw via various methods:
– Bank transfer SEPA EU transfer: no fee, 1-3 day
– Bank transfer outside EU (VP70): 10 – 20 €, your bank will charge this fee, 2-5 days
– PayPal Withdrawal: 5 % fee, 1-3 days
– PayPal Deposit/TOP-UP: 5.5 % fee, instant
– Credit Card: 2.5 % fee, instant
– USDC (crypto), fee 1%, 1-24 hours

To calculate the Paypal fee please get in touch via email. USD and crypto (USDC) funding is converted to EURO (€) balance.

Transactions under 500 € have an additional 2,5 € fee!
More information on our dedicated FEE page.

E-commerce plugins

Currently active plugins

You can start integration using our Keybin Open API if you have a custom solution.

Plugins have features to import, update stock and price, automatic purchases, and more.